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PBS Physics Definitions Part 1

Leon Beck

Matching terms for Physics, Part 1

1Measurement _____A ____________ quantity is one that’s a combination of several fundamental quantities. Examples of derived quantities include area, volume, density, force, pressure, speed, work and power.
2Quantity _____any measurable parameter that describes a particular physical attribute. Examples of quantities include mass, length, area, speed, elapsed time, and energy.
3Standard _____the absence of any motion
4Accuracy _____the specific standard to which a given measurement is being compared
5Precision _____continuous change of position of an object relative to its surroundings, which are assumed to be fixed or stationary.
6Resolution _____a ____________ condition for a particular outcome to occur is one that guarantees that the event will occur as long as the condition is present.
7Necessary Condition  _____the __________ of an instrument refers to the least amount of change that can occur in a quantity and still be detected and reported by the instrument as a discreet value. It’s also a measure of how well an instrument can discriminate between two values that lie very close to one another.
8Sufficient Condition  _____Modern _______ systems are based on universally recognized standards. The current international standard _________ system is the International System of Units (SI system). The SI system is a special _______ system.
9Motion _____the __________ of a measurement process refers to the reproducibility of the process. It refers to the amount of consistency among repeated measurements under the same conditions.
10Rest _____the ratio of the size of the quantity being measured to the size of the standard being used.
11point Object _____idealized representation of a real object that has no structure or dimensions and behaves as though it’s a mathematical point.
12Artifact _____A ___________ quantity is one that can’t be broken down into more simple terms. Physics has only three fundamental quantities: (1) length, (2) mass, and (3) time.
13Property _____units based on the dimensions of the human ex) foot, mile, cubit, hand, and span
14Magnitude _____how closely the result of a particular measurement agrees with the actual magnitude of the quantity being measured.
15Unit _____a recognized physical artifact or property to which all measurements of a particular quantity are compared
16Traditional Systems _____The __________ measurement system is based on values found in _______. Examples include the light-year, astronomical unit, the lunar cycle, the solar day, etc.
17Natural Systems _____the comparison of an unknown quantity to a recognized standard by means of a calibrated instrument or device in order to determine the magnitude of the quantity.
18Metric Systems _____a ____________ condition for a particular outcome to occur is one that is absolutely essential. Removal of the necessary condition makes it impossible for the specific outcome to occur.
19fundamental quantities _____any object that is used as a standard for measurement
20derived quantities _____a condition used as a standard for measurement ex) boiling point of water

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