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Gender and Sexuality


1Biological sex _____The period whereby a transsexual person beginds the process of crossing from one gender identity to another
2Gender _____A cultural term that societies apply in various ways to classify the attitudes, behaviors, social functioning, and power relations between sexes
3Gender role and expression _____Have an external gender identity reflecting a combination of trditionally feminine and masculine attire or accessories.
4Sexual Orientation _____Have traditionally been recognized as shamans and healers in indigenous communities in their ability to cross gender realms
5Sexual preference _____A person awaiting sex reassignment surgery
6Transgendered _____Implies that people can choose their sexual orientation
7Cisgender/Cissexual (CIS) _____The outward presentation of one's gender identity in a sociocultural context
8Cross-dressers _____Describe related types of gender identity where individuals' experiences of their own gender match the sex they were assigned at birth
9Gender blenders/Genderqueer _____Born with both male and female genitals
10Intersexed _____The goal is to "pass" for the gender identity one wishes to be or to display in public
11Drag queens _____A person who has completed sex reassignment surgery (transwomen or transmen)
12Transsexual _____A person's capacity for sexual and emotional attractions, fantasies, and behaviors toward other persons
13Gender identity _____a person's internal, subjective experience of how they feel and express themselves as a gendered person regarding gender roles, attitudes, and behaviors
14Two-spirit persons _____Primarily heterosexual men who dress in traditionally gendered women's clothing
15Drag kings _____A person's genetic composition and physical body, including genitalia and secondary sex characteristics at birth and, later in the life cycle
16Preoperative transsexual _____Lesbian and bisexual women who wear traditional men's clothing
17Postoperative transsexual _____Umbrella term for all members of the nondominant gender identity communities
18Transitioning _____Gay and bisexual men who wear traditional women's clothing
19Passing _____A person whose external gender identity may not match their internal gender identity

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