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Technology Terms Quiz

Mrs. Larson

Please place a definition number in the box that matches the word.

1student1 _____A picture on your desktop that takes you somewhere.
2Desktop _____A black line located at the bottom of your computer screen that holds icons.
3Back Arrow _____A place you go to find pictures to put into a project
4Icon _____The blue screen that appears on your computer when you turn it on.
5Google _____The password to our computers
6Right Click _____The program you would go to that you can type up an assignment on.
7Address Bar _____A button you push to get back to the last website you were on.
8Star _____A place you type on.
9Microsoft Word _____Being safe and having fun online.
10File _____A button you push to get to your favorite websites on the internet.
11Tell a trusted adult _____A program you use to create a flyer, banner or card among many other projects.
12Netiquette _____The circle with a yellow, green, blue and red flag on it located on the bottom corner of your computer. You use it to shut down or find a program.
13Personal information _____Good etiquette online
14Internet safety _____The side of the mouse you click to copy a picture and insert it into a project.
15Keyboard _____What should you do if you are sad, confused or scared online.
16Headphones _____A place you go to type in the website you would like to go to.
17Font _____What should you never share with others online.
18Mousepad _____Button that changes the type of writing you are using on Word.
19Start menu _____A place your mouse hangs out on.
20Tool or Task Bar _____What you listen to things with on the computers.
21Microsoft Publisher _____The button or tab you push to print, save or get a new paper.

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