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Voc. Quiz #13 China


1Buddhism _____Having to do with the buying and selling of goods
2Confucianism _____they had to pass the civil service exams to work in the government
3scholar officials _____Country in south east Asia formed by many islands.
4method _____Beautiful writing
5available _____large family with two or more generations
6Daoism _____Chinese religion based on the teachings of Confucius
7calligraphy _____A country in Asia, Noreast of China.
8Warlord _____to be forced to become a slave
9economy _____a military leader
10Sahara _____a change to make something better
11extended family _____People achieve happiness by living in harmony with nature
12release _____a religious place where monks live and work
13enslavement _____Famous Chinese poet, wrote poems about the poor in China
14reform _____a process to complete something
15monastery _____Chinese fine clay to make ceramic
16porcelain _____Famous Chinese poet during the Tang dynasty
17Du-Fu _____easy to get
18Korea _____to set free
19Japan _____Religion--teaches avoiding desire to achieve happiness
20Li-BO _____Largest desert in the world in the northern part of Africa

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