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Gillian H

1sealants _____Sealants are ________ similar to composite resin
2fluoride _____The light-cured material requires how much time for the application of the curing light to each tooth?
3pits and fissures _____Where most incidents of caries in children occur
4occlusal _____Sealants are checked at each exam for determination of ________
5sealants _____If the sealant is poorly placed, the margins could ______
6leak _____Self-cured sealant polymerizes to final set within approximately how much time?
7caries _____When the material is _________, the operator can manipulate the material at will
8chemically _____Sealants are subject to wear on which surface?
9resin _____They can be filled, unfilled, and/or fluoride releasing
10light activation _____Used to to prevent dental caries in the pits and fissures found primarily on the occlusal surfaces
11light-cured _____The use of this has caused a dramatic reduction in dental caries in children
1220 seconds _____Polymerization of the resin occurs by chemical reaction or by this
132 minutes _____If caries are sealed over, typically the ______ process is stopped
14clear _____Their _______ component is based on a dimethacrylate monomer (bis-GMA)
15stability _____The ______ material is very difficult for the dentist to see once placed

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