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spelling definition


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1.monster to hold in the arms:HUG
2.surprise a people who travels to a holy place as an act of religious devotion
3.hundred to brust or cause to burst with violence and noise
4.complete to examine closely
5.control to put direction for delivery on
6.sample to agree by contract
7.instant to lower the body slight by bending the knees as an act of politeness or respect
8.inspect material of a certain kind
9.pilgrim an act of buying
10.contrast a very short time:MOMENT
11.explode a person who buys and sells goods especially on a large scale or with foreign countries
12.district to keep within bounds:RESTRAIN
13.address entirely done
14.substance tem times ten: 100
15.children to show noticeable differences
16.merchant a strange or horrible creature
17.embrace something that is unexpected
18.purchase a small amount of something that is given to people to try
19.curtsy an area or region with some special feature
20.contract an unborn or recently born person

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