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1Yi zi chen _____circular movement on pts or locations using palms or fingers pressing the subcutaneous tissue. Deeper pressure. Kneading.
2Tuifa _____holding focused part of body using thumb and index finger, then twist using a stationary circular ressing method with both finger moving in the opposite direction. Quick, nimble, light at the surface.
3Nafa _____two pams on opposite sides of certain locations in the body quickly rubbed in opposite directions while moving hands up and down with symmetrical force.
4Anfa _____High frequency vibration of the surface of the body using fingers or palm - static force for no more than 1 min. Harmonizing.
5Mafa _____thumb massaging pressing for individ acu pts for treating disease, harmonizes internal and external
6Mofa _____Pressing with the finger or thumb nail as a rescule technique
7Roufa _____rubbing back and forth or in one direction with palm, thenar, ulnar aspects of the palm making close contact with skin but not exerting too much pressure, even movement with wide amplitude ~ 100x/min. Good to disprese wind cold amongst other things.
8Dianfa _____squeezing the soft tissue fibers inward rhythmically and sequentially; grasping with fingers and palms, grasp with thumb and 2 fingers, 4 fingers or 1 finger
9Qianfa _____beating the body surface using either dorsum of hand, root of palm, ulnar aspect o palm, tip of fingers or other instruments. Rapid, transient, and perpendicular even rhythmical speed.
10Cafa _____pull fingers making a snapping sound with technique, used at end of treatment.
11Gunfa _____fixing one end of extremity or joint and then pulling the othe rside with even and consecutive force.
12Zhenfa _____pushing straight in a single direction with fingers, palms, elbows. Use even distribution and force.
13Koufa _____squeezing soft superficial fibers with thumb, index and middle fingers or thumb and 4 fingers. Involves grasping, lifting and rolling. quick technique involving skin more than muscles and great for kids along huatou
14Paifa _____the palmar aspect of the thumb, both thumbs (or palms)
15Jifa _____Holding distal end of upper or lower limb and use both hands to tremble it up and down with small amplitude.
16Nianfa _____Pressing the body surface with fingers, palm, elbow, thumb or arm with gradually increasing steady perpindicular downward force. Hold for a few seconds.
17Cuofa _____rolling the hollow palm to roduce continuous force by extending and flexing wrist and forearm. Rolling is exerted by the metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger. Maintain even pressure about 140x/min. Do not use on chest abd or children
18Doufa _____Points or locations are pressed by finger tips or flexed finger joints or maybe elbow in a consecutive and penetrative manner about 40-50x a minute. Great for individual points.
19Leifa _____Patting with cupped palms on body with stead and rhythmical force
20Yaofa _____ knocking with loose fists to smack down on body with steady and rhythmical force
21ba shen fa _____circular kneading on certain body locations inc. hypochondrium/abd/face/chest, using palm or fingers in a soft rhythmical manner fairly rapidly.
22Niefa _____Passively rotating the body by the axis of the joints with gentle, steady, and gradually increasing. Keep normal range of motion! Neck, shoulders, hips, ankles, wrists.

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