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Voc. Quiz #20 Early Middle Ages


1Gregory VII _____Region in France conquered by the Vikings
2Magna Carta _____religous official such as priest
3Henry IV _____a promise that something will be completed
4William the Conqueror _____The political system base on the bonds of loyaly between a lord and a vassal
5Grand Jury _____The Pope who wanted to limit the power of the emperor.
6Trial Jury _____Group of people who decides whether a person should be accused of a crime
7bushido _____The way of the warrior--his code of conduct
8clergy _____to achieve a goal inspite of obstacles
9guarantee _____Someone who receives land from a lord of higher rank
10document _____A group that decides whether a person is innocent or guilty
11Chivalry _____Document limiting the power of King John and giving rights to nobles
12Nonetheless _____Medieval warrior in Europe
13Charlemagne _____Conquered England and became King.
14Normandy _____a portion of land giving to a vassal
15King John _____The Medieval Knights code of conduct
16Feudalism _____a written or printed paper
17Vassal _____A peasant who was bound to the land in Medieval times
18Serf _____The King of the Franks, 1st Roman Catholic emperor
19Knight _____He was forced by the nobles to sign the Magna Carta.
20Fief _____He was excommunicated by the Pope for disobeying him

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