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Weeks 13-18 summary revision

4.1-what are litmus, phenolphthalein and methyl orange? Red
4.1-what colour does a indicator go when in acid? Red/blue
4.1-what colour does a indicator go when in alkali? a effect on the rate of reaction
4.1-what colours does methyl orange go? Indicators
4.1-what colours does phenophthalein go? common chlorides are soluble, except silver chloride
4.1-what colours does limtus go? a effect on the rate of reaction
4.2-what number on the pH scale is an acid? common carbonates are insoluble, except those of sodium, pottasium and ammonium
4.2-what number on the pH scale is neutral? Purple
4.2-what numbers on the pH scale is alkali? all common sodium, pottasium and ammonium salts are soluble
4.4-what are acids sources of? Hydrogen ions, H+
4.4-what are alkalis sources of? 8-14
2.39-what is the test for hydrogen? 7
4.6-what is one of solubility rules? all nitrates are soluble
4.6-what is another one of solubility rules? the minimum energy that reactants must have to react
4.6-name another solubility rule? Colourless/pink
4.6-common sulfates are soluble, except those of barium and calcium is what is used to explain the change of rate
4.6-what is one of solubility rules? 0-6
4.17-tempreture is a effect on the rate of reaction
4.17-concentration is Red/yellow
4.17-surface area is a solubility rule
4.17-a catalyst is  a effect on the rate of reaction
4.20-the particle collision theory is Pop test
4.19-activation energy is Hydroxide ions, OH-

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