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3rd Spelling Definition Test


leadership to behave badly
gracefully very strange or unusually
refreshment without doubt
uncomfortable worthy of being or likely to be noticed epecially as being unusual
overdoing to do too much of
remarkable impossiple to understand
carefully showing grace or beauty in form or action
unbearably coming near
ownership seeming too great or too bad to put up with
unacceptable the state or fact of owning something
impossibly  something (as food or drink) that refreshes often used in pl
reappeared a state or condition that favors something else
unprepared the quality or state of not being under the control of reliant on,or connected with someone or something else
oncoming using care
misbehaving very bad or unpleasant
outrageous feeling discomfort or uneasiness
incomprehensible not pleasing or welcome : not acceptable
undoubtedly someone or something that leads or is able to lead
independence to appear again after not being see for a while
disadvantage not being or made ready

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