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herbal terms

1carminative _____to enliven the nervous system and metabolism
2adaptogen _____moisten and soothe mucus membranes of the lung, bladder and digestive tract
3vulnerary _____cool the body during hot weather or over exercise
4diaphoretic _____alleviate wheezing and shortness of breath by opening lung passages
5alterative _____loosen phlegm so it can be coughed up
6demulcent _____to have a positive impact on the condition of lbood and general body condition, by removing toxins from the blood
7sedative _____to improve the funciton of the stomach, improve the appetite
8hypnotic _____bring on menstruation
9anticatarrhal _____stimulate and irritate the skin to relieve pain
10anthelmintic ( or as misspelled antihemalithic...) _____wound healing, reduce size and toxicity of a sore of abscess
11astringent _____to help overcome weakness
12bitter digestive aid _____tighten tissues and diminish discharge or secretion from tissues
13lithotriptic _____induce a drowsy sleepy state
14emmenagogue _____kill and expel worms
15expectorant _____reduce fever
16counterirritant _____promotes secrestion of bile
17antipyretic _____break down and remove stones from kidney, bladder or gall bladder
18anodyne _____relax and sedate the nervous system and mind
19antiemetic _____improve general body condition and its ability to tolerate stress
20antirheumatic _____reduce production of and remove phlegm from nose throat lung or digestive tract
21aperient _____calm and strengthen the nervous system
22bronchocilator _____relieve nausea and vomiting
23cholagogue _____to relieve chronic joint and muscular pain
24nervine _____produces a mild laxative effect
25refrigerant _____stimulate, wrm, harmonize and promote digestion with spicy tasty herbs
26stimulant _____relieves pain
27stomachic _____promote a sweat
28tonic _____stimulate digestion by promoting secretions of stomach, GB, SI and increasing peristalsis with cold and bitter herbs

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