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Nutrition 310 Chapter 2

Causes of miscarriages Having multiple miscarriage
Subfertility  due to damage of cell DNA. Women greater than 35 years more likely to have a disorders related to chromosomal defects than younger women
Examples of subfertility  Gondotropin-releasing hormones, Follicle stimulating hormones, LH Lutenizing hormone, estrogen,progesterone
Quality of eggs decrease with age. Why? Rate of infertility lower who use this
Chromosomes ova may be damaged by ? may decrease estrogen & testosterone levels or disrupt menstrual cycles
Sperm production begins during puberty decreases somewhat after age 35 with? levels increases with body fat and reduced with low body fat, infertility lower with BMI less than 20 or more than 30
What are the hormonal effects during the menstrual cycle  Defect in fetus, Maternal infection, structural abnormalities of uterus,endocrine or immunological disturbances
Explain Gonadotropin weight loss less than > less than 10-15% of usual weigh decrease estrogen ,LH,FSH. Treatment with fertility drug climid not effective in underweight women
FSH- Follicle stimulating hormone  Primary effect birth of small frail infants with high likelihood of death in first year of life
LH - Luteinizing hormone  Production continuing to old age
Estrogen  Follicular Phase,luteal phase
Progesterone  Prepare uterus for fertilized ovum, increased vascularity of endometrium, stimulates cell division cell division of fertilized ova
Two phases of menstrual cycle  Studies from world war II showed 50% decrease in male fertility during starvation
Explain Follicular phase  Last half of menstrual cycle. After ovulation
Explain Luteal Phase  Reduce level of fertility characterized by unusually long time for conception
Explain male reproductive system  Releasing hormone,stimulate pituitary to relate FSHand LH
Sources of disruption in fertility  Plays role in reduction of oxidative stress, in sperm maturation
Nutrition related disruption fertility  adverse nutritional exposure, contraceptive use
Chronic Undernutrition  Undernutrition in women previously well- nourished
Acute undernutrition  ongoing rather than cyclic
Body Fat and Fertility  oxidation, radioactive particle exposure,and aging
Estrogen & leptin  Vitamin E,C,Beta carotene,selenium, found in veggies and fruits
Weight loss and fertility in males  linked to preterm delivery & low iron status of infants
Weight loss and fertility in females  first half of menstrual cycle, growth and maturation
Antioxidants  Intake by women of multivitamins with folate associated with decline in ovulatory infertility
Zinc status and fertility in men  stimulates maturation of ovum & sperm
Folate status and fertility in women stimulates secreting of estrogen,progesterone and testosterone
Folate status and fertility in men  Decrease fertility seen with low or high body fat due to allegation in hormones
Iron status and fertility  stimulates follicle growth& maturation of follicle, stimulates vascularity &storage of glycogen & other nutrients within uterus
Pre- Pregnancy iron deficiency  intake by men of multivitamins with folate associated with improved sperm count motility decreased form of sperm
Alcohol  undernutrition, weightless, obseity

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