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Attribution Theory

Kerry Harrison

1Learned Helplessness _____ I’m no good at all sport
2Mastery Orientation _____ Based on past experience and are unlikely to change in the short term (relatively permanent)
3Self-serving Bias _____ wrote the model of Attribution
4Gender differences – females have lower _____ then satisfaction would be less intense and motivation less
5More likely to attribute success to luck _____ observers can show bias
6More likely to attribute success to ability _____ females (Gender differences)
7Gill’s research (Female Basketball) _____ Problem caused by always blaming yourself for failure so end up believing that failure is inevitable
8Reasons we give for success or failure _____ If success attributed to internal controllable factors
9Athletes need to be wary of self-serving bias _____ This theory suggests if we assess our own performance – failure down to external factors and if watching someone else we blame internal reasons for failure
10Task Difficulty _____ performer outcome orientated & has bad past experience
11Effort _____ Dweck’s research (1975)
12External _____ Luck
13Dissatisfaction _____ locus of control
14Luck _____ to unstable factors and external factors out of one’s control
15Ability _____ Category of attribution – external, stable
16Learned helplessness is linked to _____ successes due to team mates & failure down to them as an individual
17People vary in the degree they succumb to learned helplessness _____ Athletes need to be wary of this – Tendency of athletes to attribute success to themselves and failure to external and unstable factors
18Characteristic of Learned Helplessness _____ e.g. I need to work harder in matches – category of attribution1
19Rarely tries new skills and future effort is limited _____ Opposite of Learned Helplessness. A performer with this will continue to try. Success is in their control and repeatable
20Global learned helplessness _____ e.g. I am not a good gymnast
21Specific learned helplessness _____ This would be the overpowering emotion if failure was attributed to internal controllable factors causing motivation to be reduced
22Any success will be lucky and not repeatable _____ Ability
23Unstable _____ The extent to which reasons are out of the performer’s control and have little influence over
24Stable _____ conducted by Dweck with children (1975)
25Observer-Actor Effect _____ The extent to which we explain success or failure to things within the control of the performer and you have influence over
26Motivation _____ This is enhanced if pride and satisfaction are maximised buy success being attributed to internal controllable factors
27Weiner _____ e.g. Andy Murray talking about Djokovic following defeat in French Open - “What he's achieved the last 12 months is phenomenal; winning all the Grand Slams in one year is an amazing achievement.”
28Behaviour that sport psychologists think you can predict if you know the reasons they give for success or failure _____ Category of attribution – external, unstable – e.g. the umpire gave us a questionable penalty
29Attributions do this _____ one off efforts of change not enough
30Task Difficulty _____ I’m no good at badminton
31Internal _____ Changeable in short term, even within a game
32“We did the best we could” _____ learned helplessness
33“I’m not that good a gymnast” _____ Males (Gender differences)
34“The rain caused the match to be abandoned and saved us” _____ depending on their attributions
35Pride and satisfaction maximised and motivation enhanced _____ learning to attribute success and failure to the same reasons as high achievers
36If success attributed to external & uncontrollable factors such as luck or task was very easy _____ can lead to complacency
37High achievers attribute success _____ expectations of success then males
38High achievers attribute failure _____ Effort
39Attribution retraining for low achievers _____ Influence future behaviour
40Attribution retraining research _____ stable and internal factors in one’s control
41Children who were encouraged to attribute failure to unstable aspects (e.g. effort) respond better to failure and perform better overall _____ task persistence, level of performance, expectations, satisfaction with performance
42Role of coach is _____ are not always correct
43Be mindful that _____ Be mindful of that
44There are gender differences when it comes to attribution _____ to ensure reasons for success and failure are correctly attributed
45Make attribution training ongoing _____ Characteristics of learned helplessness

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