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Class 18 Sentence Building

Mark Deibert

I play golf well. 볼꽃놀이 보러 갈거예요
Do you bowl well? 이번 주말에 뭐 할거예요?
I play guitar well. 피자 먹고 싶어요
What do you want to do? 쉬워 졌어요
I want to sleep. 불링 잘 쳐요?
I want to go to eat. 오늘밤에 뭐 할거예요?
I want to go to see a movie. 뭐 하고 싶어요?
Where do you want to go? 저는 골프 잘 쳐요
I want to go home. 졸구 싶어요
What do you want to eat? 저는 기타 잘 쳐요
I want to eat pizza. 집에 가고 싶어요
I want to eat bibimbap. 먹을러 가고 싶어요
What are you going to do tonight? 뭐 먹고 싶어요?
I'm going to go out to meet my friends. 영화 보러 거고 싶어요
What are you going to do this weekend? 어디 가고 싶어요?
I'm going to go see fireworks. 비빔밥 먹고 싶어요
The weather got cold. 날씨가 추워 졌어요
It got easier. 친구 마나라 나갈 거예요

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