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Final Exam

Melanie Yalcinkaya

Fraud Powerless, easily harmed
Vulnerable Cruelty, horror
Shackles To stay alive
Trafficker Strong in mind and soul, not afraid
Deportation Approximately
Migrant Chains or other devices used to prevent a person from escaping
Pay off To write and publish regular posts on the Internet
Bondage Not or no longer in danger
Hard labor To give money back after borrowing it, to reduce or eliminate a debt
Abuse The act of being sent back to one's place of citizenship
Roughly To get onto a transport vehicle, such as a bus, plane, or train
Atrocity Physical or mental violence
Safe To send a bullet out of a gun
Hospital A person who moves from one location to another for work purposes
Attack  Lies used for the purpose of financial gain
Survive An act of violence
Shoot Physically demanding work
Board A person who transports people or things illegally
Blog A person who is active in politics (government policies)
Speech Slavery, enslavement
Politician A written message delivered by speaking to an audience
Brave A place where very sick or injured people receive medical treatmenr

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