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Cognition 1

1Anticholinergics _____Selegiline
2Anticholinergics _____Hydroxyzine
3Antihistamines _____Haldol Decanoate
4Antihistamines _____Carbamazepine
5Dopamine Agonist _____Trihexyphenidyl
6Beta Blocker _____Propranolol
7Antimanic _____Benztropine
8Anticonvulsant (Treat BiP) _____Transylcypromine
9Anticonvulsant (Treat BiP) _____Risperidal Consta
10Anticonvulsant (Treat BiP) _____Piliperidone
11Anticonvulsant (Treat BiP) _____Oxcarbazine
12Anticonvulsant (Treat BiP) _____Amantadine
13Anticonvulsant (Treat BiP) _____Zolpidem
14MAOIs _____Prolixin Deconate
15MAOIs _____Valproic Acid
16MAOIs _____Gabapentin
17MAOIs _____Topiramate
18Sedative/Hypnotics _____Lithium
19Sedative/Hypnotics _____Eszopiclone
20Sedative/Hypnotics _____Phenelzine
21Antipsychotics (Long Acting Depots) _____Temazepam
22Antipsychotics (Long Acting Depots) _____Lamotrigine
23Antipsychotics (Long Acting Depots) _____Diphenhydramine
24Antipsychotics (Long Acting Depots) _____Isocarboxazid

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