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Karen Burton

Helpful study references for those preparing for the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP Certification Exams

1Organizational values _____Situation where an individual's performance on the job is the basis for the amount and timing of pay increases; also called merit pay or performance-based pay
2Mission statement _____Process of measuring and evaluating an employee's adherence to performance standards and providing feedback to the employee
3Pay compression _____Tools, activities, and processes that an organization uses to manage, maintain, and/or improve the job performance of employees
4Pay for performance (P4P, PfP) _____Pay systems in which employee characteristics, rather than the job, determine pay
5Pay grades _____Used to group jobs that have approximately the same relative internal or external worth and are paid at the same rate or within the same pay range
6Pay ranges _____Beliefs and principles defined by an organization to direct and govern its employees' behavior
7Performance appraisal _____Occurs when there is only a small difference in pay between employees regardless of their experience, skills, level, or seniority; also known as salary compression
8Performance bonus _____Set the upper and lower bounds of possible compensation for individuals whose jobs fall within a pay grade
9Performance management _____Concise outline of an organization's strategy, specifying the activities it intends to pursue and the course its management has charted for the future
10Performance standards _____Learning/development programs offered initially in a controlled environment with a segment of the target audience
11Performance-based pay _____Behaviors and results as defined by an organization to communicate the expectations of management
12Person-based pay _____One-time payment made to an employee; also called a lump-sum increase (LSI)
13Pilot programs _____Training provided to employees at the work site utilizing demonstration and performance of job tasks
14On-the-job training (OJT) _____Situation where an individual's performance on the job is the basis for the amount and timing of pay increases; also called merit pay or performance-based pay

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