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Emotional Intelligence

Name ______________ Per ____


A. Achievement Orientation Good vs bad, right vs wrong: doing the right thing
B. Adaptability Seeing/knowing something that needs to be done without told to do it.
C. Appraisals Having the necessary ability, knowledge or skill to do something
D. Assertiveness Combine two or more cultures
E. Attitude Occurs when two or more parties work together to reach a goal
F. Behavior Stating a fact or belief confidently
G. Bias The ability to adjust oneself quickly to a situation
H. Collaboration A form of favoritism or a predetermined opinion
I. Competent When 2 parties work together to achieve some goal
J. Compromise To make impersonal or take away individuality
K. Confidentiality When each party gives up something or value to reach a common goal
L. Conflict Recognize, understand, control and use emotions in problem solving of a personal/interpersonal nature
M. Conflict Resolution A person's expressed thoughts to another individual's actions, behaviors, or thoughts.
N. Consenus A manner of actions of an individual
O. Cooperation General agreement among a particular group
P. Cross-Cultural A disagreement or agrument between 2 people
Q. Cultural Sensitivity Keeping information private
R. Depersonalize A drive to accomplish one's goals, exceed success
S. Discontent Evaluation and analysis of acceptability,merit,worth
T. Emotional Intelligence Way of thinking about a person,place,thing reflected through behavior
U. Empathy Fairness and impartiality to all
V. Equity Dissatisfied, to want something else or something better
W. Ethics The ability to put oneself into another shoes
X. Feedback Develop an awareness that cultural differences/similarities exist
Y. Humility A process of concluding a dispute/agrument or disagreement
Z. Initiative Not outwardly showing a high opinion of oneself

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