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Unit two key terms one


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1virginia Company _____Where the Pilgrims settled (Massachusetts today) and one of the leaders in the Plymouth colony was this person
2Jamestown _____A person who works for a colonist for a specified number of years in exchange for transportation, food, clothing, and shelter
3John Smith _____charter to establish colonies in virginia- the company sent three small ships- the susan constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery and 144 men to virginia
4Chief Powhatan _____Believe that everyone had their own "inner light" from God- no need for church or ministers- objected to all political and religious authority including forcing people to pay taxes or serve in the Military- advocated pacifisms- opposition to war or violence as a means to settle desputes
5Lorde de la Warr _____Settlers were granted land (50 acres) in exchange for settling in Virginia and for each servant they brought to work- work in tobacco
6John Rolfe _____Virginia company appointed him the new governor with absolute authority- during "starving time" came with supplies and convinced many of the people to stay in Jamestown
7Pocahontas _____Was the fist written constitution of the American colonies- it allowed adult men to vote, not just church members
8House of Burgesses _____The dutch settled here but by 1664 king Charles granted all the land from Delaware Bay to Connecticut River to his brother James, the Duke of York- the king and James York seized the land from the Dutch, then named it after himself
9Head right System _____James Duke of York also granted a large portion of his land to two of the king's advisors, die George Carteret and lord John Berkley- James named the new colony in honor of sir George Cartert
10Indentured Servant _____Colony named after either king Charles' wife after the virgin mary- wanted a colony where Catholics could practice their religion- it became the first English Proprietary colony
11Royal Colony _____In 1613, he asked the General court of Massachusetts for permission to move his entire Congregation to this river- he thought that everyone should vote, not just church members
12Proprietary colony _____1649, granted religious toleration to all Christians in Maryland and was intended to protect Catholic minority from the protestants
13Maryland/Lorde Baltimore _____A wealthy man who, along with other Puritans, left for America in 1630 for religious freedom- he was a wealthy puritan and a stock holder in the massachusetts bay company
14Pilgrims/Separatists _____Puritan who held prayer meetings in her home- she also began claiming that some puritan ministers didn't have salvation's- she was charged with Heresy and banished from the Massachusetts Colony
15Mayflower _____These two were separated from Massachusetts and remained part of Massachusetts until 1820
16Mayflower Compact _____1680 William Penn asked king Charles for his own colony across the Delaware river from New Jersey- King agreed and insisted the colony be named after his father
17Plymouth colony/William Bradford _____A colony owned by an individual
18John Winthrop _____was chief of the tribe that lived near Jamestown- Smith traded with the local native Americans
19City on a hill/Massachusetts bay colony _____Married John Rolfe and was the daughter of chief powhatan
20Heretics _____Winthrop delivered a speech while heading to America- their colony was named this
21Roger williams/ Rhode Island _____A group of puritans broke away from the Anglican church to from their own congregations- looked for religious freedom in America by sailing to America in 1620
22Anne Hutchinson _____During rough times, he emerged as Jamestown's only strong leader- "He who shall not work, shall not eat."
23Connecticut/ Thomas Hooker _____1609, the Dutch East India Company hired him to find a route to North America to the Pacific
24Fundamental orders of Connecticut _____Experimented with tobacco in the Jamestown colony by using seeds from Trinidad- he eventually shipped 2,600 pounds to England- Jamestown was founded on tobacco!
25New Hampshire/ Maine _____The wampahoag leader and the wampahog warriors attacked the colonists marking the beginning of King Philips War
26King Philips War _____Set up the first representative democracy in the new world- gave the colonies the right to elect its own assembly and propose laws- first legislative body
27Metacomet _____Located in today's Virginia- where the virginia company landed in 1607 and named the colony after their king, james of England
28Maryland Toleration Act _____After English Civil War, England's parliamentary court tried King Charles I of treason and executed him- Oliver Cormwell, commander of the parliament's army decided to dissolve parliament and seize power. When Cromwell died in 1658, England's leader decided to restore a monarchy and by 1660, parliament had Charles II to take the throne- son of King Charles I
29Restoration _____The boat in which 120 pilgrims and other Separatists set sail to America in 1620
30New Nertherland/ New York _____A colony governed directly by the British crown (King) through a governor and council appointed by it
31Henry Hudson _____Was the founder of this colony- as a strict separatist, he believed puritans corrupted themselves by remaining as part of the Anglican church- this colony became known as the colony with total separation of church, state, and religious freedom
32New Jersey _____People whose religious beliefs differ from those accepted by the majority- were considered a threat to the community- and charged with this
33Pennsylvania/ William Penn _____From 1675-1677, was the first large-scale Military action in the American colonies, Indian tribes against New England colonists and their Indian allies- thousands died including woman and children- the war was a turning point which settlers won 1678 and now New England belonged to the English settlers
34Quakers  _____Drafted on the Mayflower in 1620 and was the first self-governed plan ever put into effect in English colonies- the compact created a direct democracy where people take part first hand in their government

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