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Popper's Penguins Ch 9 & 10

E. Anderson

Vocab for Ch 9 & 10 in Mr. Popper's Penguins.

barbershop a remarkable sight
ledge a narrow lane running between buildings or at the back of a street
lather a shop where men have their hair cut and get a shave
alley bothered
spectacle a narrow projection protruding from a wall or other surface
amid a newspaper
panting without getting tired
unwearyingly the foam produced when soap is mixed with water
distract  the director of a museum or the guardian of a museum's collections
oddly assorted near-unconsciousness; deep sleep
exhausted to turn away some's attention
chronicle carefree and happy
rotogravure pouting
sherbet the photography section of a newspaper
curator stopped
ceased unusual group of
gay do well; flourish
sulking a frozen treat made with fruit and fruit juices served between courses or as a dessert
ailed in the middle of
veterinary doctor very tired; out of energy
thrive animal doctor
stupor breathing heavily

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