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Autodesk Terms Matchup


Match the term to the definition

WWFO (World Wide Field Operations)  Another name for the contract manager.
CTS (Customer Technical Success) The team that supports everything that Autodesk owns outside of ACS.
Autodesk Account A type of contract manager that is designated by the primary admin.
ACC Account The billing contact who purchases licenses either with a contract set up by our sales team OR by using a credit card within their own account, then delegating out those seats.
Contract Manager The specific WWFO team that does front line technical support.
Primary Admin This is an outside company that sells on behalf of Autodesk. Autodesk provides them with free demo licenses.
Secondary Admin This is the login that an individual user has to access their Autodesk products and services and to manage their personal information.
ACC Account Admin (Account Admin) This is a team that handles backend processing and set up for BIM (and now ACC) products.
Client Services The contract for demo licensing provided to resellers.
Access Fulfillment The hub for managing ACC members, projects, and license assignment for a company.
Reseller The team that handles sales-related support for pretty much every Autodesk product. They handle Autodesk account login issues and Autodesk SSO issues.
NFR (Not For Resale) This is the person designated to be in charge of managing the ACC Account.

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