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global economy


Debt The ability of a country to manage its debt without compromising its long-term economic stability and development.
External Debt Money owed by a borrower to a lender, typically with interest or repayment terms.
Sovereign Debt The payments made by a country to service its external debt, including principal and interest payments.
Debt Crisis An assessment of a borrower's creditworthiness, determining the interest rate and risk associated with lending to them.
Debt Relief Economic policies imposed by international financial institutions to address a country's debt and financial issues.
Default The ratio of a country's total debt to its gross domestic product, indicating its debt burden relative to its economic output.
Credit Rating Government policies aimed at reducing public spending and increasing taxation to address debt and fiscal imbalances.
Interest Rate Failure to meet the agreed-upon payment terms or obligations on a debt.
Structural Adjustment Programs Debt owed by a country to international financial institutions, such as the World Bank or International Monetary Fund.
Austerity Measures A situation where a country or entity is unable to meet its debt obligations.
Debt-to-GDP Ratio The partial or complete forgiveness of debt, usually granted to countries facing financial distress.
External Debt Service The percentage of the loan amount charged as interest over a specific period.
Bilateral Debt Debt owed by one country to another, usually resulting from loans or financial assistance.
Multilateral Debt  Debt incurred by a national government, often through issuing bonds or loans.
Debt Sustainability The total amount of money owed by a country to foreign lenders or institutions.

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