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Filter Feeding Specialized archocytes responsible for eroding the shells of mollusc prey; species of demosponge family Clionidae play an important role in the breakdown of calcareous shell & coralline rocks in the sea.
Dynamic Tissue mineral supplements occurring primarily in the mesohyl that can project freely through the surface of the pinacoderm to afford protection, often guarding the oscula and ostia; stiffen the mesohyl to varying degrees depending on their density, arrangement, and the extent to which they can interlock; can be a rigid, brittle, three-dimensional lattice framework
Totipotent cells Flattened (squamous) cells that abut each other edge-to-edge & lline the incurrent & excurrent canals, also called platter cells.
Indetermine growth Flagellated collar cells that make up the choanoderm: generate water flow through the sponge; also known as collar cells
Asconoid  Collagen that polymerizes into thick skeletal fibers
Pinacoderm Enlargement without fixed upper limit.
Atrium Monolayer of flagellated collar cells that lined the atrium
Choanoderm Simplest anatomical design of the Poriferans that is hollow cylinder attached by its base to the substratum
Ostia egg and nurse cells together may be enclosed in a follicle of ensheathing cells; by definition, an organ is composed of two or more tissues; if these cyst or follicle cells are shown to have a different tissue origin than the germ cells, then the separate cyst and egg follicle would be organs (gonads)
Osculum Formation of overwinter propagules through cloning (asexual) reproduction by fragmentation and budding.
Aquiferous system Seperation of suspended food particles from water passing through a mess that strains food
Syconid Present in mesophyl, macrophage like progeniter cells; large ameboid cells bearing a conspicuous nucleus & numerous large lysosomes
Choanocyte Chamber Connective-tissue layer between the pinaoderm and Choandederm called the bushy wood because it forms a bushy, fiberous network that is especially obvious in bath sponges
Incurrent canals The hollow interior, known as spongocoel
Leuconoid Along with mutliple oscula replace the relatively volumnous atrium & single osculum
Excurrent canals a state of near metabolic arrest that the autumn gemmules of freshwater species enter, which then requires a period of very cold temperature before they are activated, germinate, and differentiate into a new sponge, usually in the spring
Epitheloid Large opening at the upper free end of the body.
Mesophyl  A monolayer of flat cells that cover the body's surface, also known as platter cells
Pinacocyte Many small pores that perforate the cylinder wall.
Archeocytes 1 of 3 anatomical designs that increases surface area & reduce atrial colume by forming alternating inpockets & outpocks of the body wall
Spongecytes The circulatory system made up of choanoderm, pores and chamber
Spongin transformed amoeboid choanocyte that transports the sperm head to the egg; after the cell reaches an egg, it either transfers the sperm nucleus to the egg or the carrier cell and sperm nucleus are phagocytosed by the egg
Choanocyte Inpockets of the pinacoderm
Spicules outpockets of the choanoderm also called the radial canals.
Etching cells Occurs only in the taxon Demospongiae, resemble archeocytes, but secrete spongin.
Gemmules Formed when sperm arise from choanocytes or entire choanocytes chamber that sink into the mesophyl & become enclosed in a thin cellular wall
Diapause Tissues that resembles epitnelium, but lacsk epithelium's intercellular junctions & hemidemasomes & is not underlaid by basal lamina
Sperm Cyst Constant rearrangement of tissuess brought by the ameboid movement of cells
Follicle 1 of 3 anatomical designs that achieve the largest body size with aquiferious system that consists of spherical choanocyte chamgers that live at the intersection of incurrent & excurrent canals
Carrier cell Cells that wander throughout the sponge, adopting new positions, & change from 1 differential form to another

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