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AP Gov Word Match

Tyler F

AP Gov vocab match

Political culture The process of adjusting the results of a survey based on the percentages of the specific group participating and the demographic of the larger population
Induvidualism A set of economic policy tools designed to regulate the amount of money in the economy
Laissez-faire/ free enterprise Government intervene as little as possible in the economic transactions between citizens and businesses
Rule of law The people chosen for the focus group
Political socialization When a company moves to a place where labor costs is cheaper
Political ideology (pg 340) A system that consists of a seven member panel of governors, twelve regional federal reserve banks and six thousand member banks
Generational effect An ideology which favors very little government regulation and intervention beyond protecting private property and induviduals liberty
Life-cycle effect The process of selecting the people appropriate for a poll where everyone has equal chance on being selected for this particular survey
Globalization A parties philosophy about the proper role of government and its set of positions on major issues
Outsourcing The idea that a specific ideology can be taken and not everyone deserves what is given
Focus group The impact of a persons age and stage in life on their political views
Scientific poll A small group of people assembled to conversate about a topic
Sample A selection for a cocus group where the sample best reflects the characteristics of the population
Random selection The dominant set of beliefs, customs, traditions, and values that define the relationship between citizens and government
Representative sample The beliefs that individuals should be responsible for themselves and for the decision they make
Weighting Government use of taxing and spending to attempt to lower unemployment, support economic growth and stabilize the economy
Sampling error The measure of the cost of a basket of fixed goods and services over time
Mass survey A policy signed by president Nixon during his term to give medicare benefits to the disabled
Entrance survey A Medicaid program which helps cover health services for low income americans
Exit poll The impact of historical events experienced by a generation upon their political views
Benchmark poll Government dictates as much of the nations economy including price and supply
Tracking poll A set of beliefs about what should happen as the result of the process of governance
Random digit dialing A larger national poll
Question order The way the question is given to guide for a specific answer
Question wording An ideology supporting less government control over social behavior and regulation of businesses and the economy.
Poitical ideology ( The sum of induviduals attitudes about government, policies, and issues
Right Experiences and factors that define an individuals values, attitude, and behaviors
Privilege A margin of error in the survey
Party ideology Many economic decisions are left to individuals and businesses
Party identification A poll conducted of people who are coming into an event
Conservatism An economic system in which government intrudes as little as possible in the economic transactions among citizens an businesses
Liberalism The measure of the percentage of people actevly looking for work who are unablee to find jobs
Libertarianism The principle that no one, including public officials, is above the law
Laissez-faire economy Dialing a phone number generated by a computer
Command and control economy Two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth
Mixed economy A poll taken at the beginning of a political campaign in order to gauge support for a specific candidate
Gross domestic product The rise in the prices of goods and services
Economic recession A survey conducted following a event or after the individual has voted
Unemployment rate The total value of goods and services produced by American economic activity
Inflation The increasing interconnectedness of people and countries throughout the world
Consumer price index A question for a survey to generate more opinions
Fiscal policy An induviduals coherent set of beliefs about government and politics
Federal reserve system An individuals attachment to a political party
Monetary policy The idea that a specific ideology is almost god given and cannot be taken
Medicare A poll to determin the level of support for a candidate or an issue over the length of a campaign
Medicaid An ideology favoring more control of social behavior, fewer regulations on businesses, and less government intervention in the economy

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