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Changing Rights and Freedoms

Year 10 History

Indigenous Australians

2         3  
4           5
    7 8              
    10 11 12 13 14      
  15     16              
19 20            
22         23            

2.The majority of people and (___________) have to agree for the constitution to be amended.
4.1970 was the 200th anniversary of Captain (_______)'s landing in Australia.
8."Stolen" Aboriginal girls were educated to become domestic (__________).
9.Colours of the Aboriginal flag: black, red and (__________).
14.Abbreviation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
16.Famous Aboriginal 400m runner: Cathy (_____________).
17.This is needed to change the constitution
21.Government policy of the 50's and 60's where indigenous people were absorbed into 'white society'.
22.Name of the girl who lived at Sister Kate's Home that we studied in class.
24.Abbreviation for Human Rights and Equal Employment Commission.
25.Organisation established to help stolen Aboriginal children find their families.
1.Artist who designed the Aboriginal flag: Harold (___________).
3.Land that his significance for Aboriginal people: "(__________) Sites".
4.One white and one Aboriginal parent....half-(_________).
5.This term is used to describe the taking of aboriginal land by the white settlers.
6.Known as the "black saint of Redfern".
7.Prime Minister before Kevin Rudd: John (_____________).
10.Given money to make up for something taken from you is (____________).
11.Government policy under which children were taken from their parents 'for their own good'.
12.Aboriginal children taken from their parents were called the 'stolen (_____________).
13.Australian city where the tent embassy was set up in 1972.
15.This embassy was set up outside Parliament House in 1972.
18.Aborigines and American Indians are (___________) people of their countries.
19.Government report in 1967 on stolen Aboriginal children. "(__________) Them Home".
20.Christianity was the (__________) that stolen Aboriginal children were forced to follow.
23.Areferendum was needed before Aborigines could be included in the (________).

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