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Computer Terms Crossword

1 2
3     4            
  5 6    
9 10                
    13     14          
  17             18      

3.Random Access Memory
4.Setting that is automatic unless changed by user
7.Electronic mail
8.Printers and Monitors (2 words)
10.Area on screen where the user interacts with the software application
12.A small window with options for completing an action (2 words)
13.Miniature version of the document
16.Allows more than one application to run at a time
17.Keyboard, Mouse, Disk Drive, USB Drive (2 words)
19.A tab added to the Ribbon for certain activities (2 words)
1.Format widely used because all document formatting is preserved
2.Expands the window to fill the screen
3.Related commands that are divided into tabs
5.Collection of related data stored on a hard disk
6.Displays a menu of commands for opening, saving, and printing (2 words)
9.Indicates the file type and is used by the application to recognize files (2 words)
10.Little pictures that represent programs on the desktop
11.Used to organize files
14.A list of commands
15.Follows a program; designed to compute
18.Malicious code that appears like a useful program

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