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Celebrate French Week Sports Crossword

Peter Rise

1) All answers are in French, but some words are cognates. 2) Answers don’t include articles (le, la, un, une). 3) Most answers use dictionary in back of book, but some require a full French/English dictionary. 4) No answers are plural.

1 2 3
4   5            
    7                 8
        10         11        
  16   17 18      
20             21          

5.What French verb means “to pass” (non-conjugated)?
6.What do you use to listen to a sports game in the car?
7.A team sport in France is called “un sport ___.
10.What do you normally kick a soccer ball with?
11.What color jersey does the Tour de France winner wear?
12.What do competitors in the Tour de France ride?
13.What French verb means “to shoot” (non-conjugated)?
14.What do players of “le football Américan” play on?
18.What sport uses “un tee” and “des clubs”?
19.How do those not attending a sporting event still watch it?
20.What do you catch with a “canne à pêche”?
21.What sport contains “un ballon orange”?
22.What French verb means “to score” (non-conjugated)?
23.What French sport involves a net, a racquet, and a fuzzy yellow ball?
1.What sport’s ball is often called a “pigskin”?
2.What do you call a member of a sports audience?
3.What are “Quarterback” or “3rd Base” examples of?
4.What sport involves sticks, frozen water, and a lot of knocked out teeth?
8.What is a sports participant called (masculine form)?
9.Who makes sure that sports players follow the rules?
10.If a foul is called on a player or team, what do they receive?
15.What do players of "le football" want to score?
16.Cracking your skull is a serious ___.
17.What landform can you ski on?
18.What do you “farie du patin” on?

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