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Ms. Johnson

Grade 6 Pirates ELA Unit from Saskatchewan

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3.To raise against authority, particularly a naval or military power.
5.typically a black flag bearing dreawn white bones; indicates a pirate ship.
7.A type of ship with large sails.
8.Goods obtained illegally. Spoils obtained as a restult or war or battle.
9.a piratical adventurer of the sea. A person who plunders at the sea, or land fromt he sea.
12.an armed vessel sailing under the commission of a sovereign power against the enemy
13.A parasite that often infests any place that people may live.
1.A large square masted vessel of the 1500's used for war, or commerce.
2.A ship that is involved in trade/commerce. A cargo ship.
3.One whose responsibility it is to help in navigatng a vessel.
4.A general term for valuables that are often buried.
6.To isolate. Sailors would leave mutinous shipmates on deserted islands, without any means of survival.
10.A short, heavy, single edged sword, once used predominantly by sailors.
11.to make an attempt, or to complete an attach on a ship. A thief or the seas, or ocean. Viloence used to steal (by force) the property of another vessel in order to steal gold or treasure.
12.The act of pillaging or robbery.
13.Gold, money, or other goods obtained illegally

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