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World War One

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3.A tie in a war is called a ____.
6.Another name for U-Boats were ____.
7.____ and the Allied Powers are the same thing. (2 wrds.)
11.Germany, Austria Hungary and Italy were members of the ____. (2 wrds.)
13.A flying bird with an engine is known as an ____.
14.The major characteristic of the war on the Western Front was the ____. (2 wrds.)
16.____ was from Great Britain and a member of the Big Four. (3 wrds.)
17.____, an archduke was assassinated in 1914. (2 wrds.)
19.Russia wants the ____ back from the Ottoman Empire.
21.Germany thought they would win against France in ____ days. (2 wrds.)
24.The person who assassinated the archduke was ____. ( 2 wrds.)
25.Kaiser Wilhelm II's fathers name was ____. (2 wrds.)
26.____ ordered Kaiser Wilhelm II to be buried with full military honors.
28.The ____ was the strategy to attack Frnace through Belgium. (2 wrds.)
31.Germany building up their navy is an example of ____.
32.A letter sent to a German ambasser in Mexico was known as the ____. (2 wrds.)
33.____ is the movie where Paul Baumer goes to war. (6 wrds.)
34.Serbia wanting to be an independant coutry is known as ____.
35.____ countries were involved in the war.
36.____ was not represented in the Big Four.
37.A policy or practices of builing an empire is called ____.
38.Woodrow Wilson was the ____ of the U.S. in 1918.
39.Belgium's only ally was ____.
1.Germany claimed that the British ship was carrying ____.
2.The war took ____, between 1914 through 1918. (2 wrds.)
4.Germany's submarine sunk a British boat called the ____.
5.Damages from the war was ____ dollars. (5 wrds.)
8.A plan for achieving lasting peace was known as the ____.(2 wrds.)
9.____ soldiers died from the war. (5 wrds.)
10.A small explosive used in the war was called a ____.
12.A compromise between Germany and the Allied Powers was known as the ____. (3 wrds.)
15.People dedide for themselves waht government they want is called ____. (2 wrds.)
17.In ____ the Zimmerman note was sent.
18.Georges Clemenceau was from ____.
20.The interational peace organization is called ____. (3 wrds.)
22.The war before WWII was ____. (abbr.)
23.Emperor of Germany's nickname was ____.
27.Yellow or green fog was ____. (2 wrds.)
29.Germany stopping submarine warfare for a while was called ____. (2 wrds.)
30.The major decisions were decided by a group called the ____. (2 wrds.)

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