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Photography Vocab

  3 4 5
6   7                    
    10 11                        
  15             16            
17             18                  
    20       21        
26           27            

1.Arranging the photograph into 3 sections
2.The perspective in which you view the subject
7.Moving the developer tank in order to help the film develop properly
8.Viewing the image from a very low vantage point. Makes the subject appear larger.
10.Parts of the photograph used to guide you to the point of focus
12.The variation between the highlights and lowlights
13.The area which the photographer wishes the viewer to concentrate on
15.Distance from the subject. Showing more detail
16.Using part of the subject matter to surround the centre of interest
17.Movement in a photograph
18.A large amount of detail/information in a photograph.
19.Where you develop your photographs
20.Viewing the image from a very high vantage point. Makes the subject appear smaller.
23.Extra detail in a photograph. Showing the feel/surface of something
25.The equipment used to project your images on your negative onto the paper
26.Helps to make make the image more vibrant/moody
27.What is in the photograph?
1.The liquid used to bring up your image on the photographic paper
3.Reducing the amount of clutter around the point of focus.
4.This controls both the depth of field and the exposure
5.How the photographer chooses to arrange the image
6.Asymmetrical or Symmetrical
9.Choosing which part of the photograph will be in focus
11.The amount of light allowed through the camera onto the film
14.Repetition of the same object in an image
15.The print you develop with a small version of all of your photographs
18.Selecting a specific part of the image and discarding the rest.
21.One of the camera parts which control the amount of light let in
22.The object used to capture the image
24.Generating a sharp image

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