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Algebra II - Ch 1 and 2


1 2 3            
4         5        
  6               7   8    
13   14                 15  
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18 19                   20        
    21                     22
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    27   28                        
    30   31                 32            
35               36     37  
  38                         39              

2.to make as small as possible using the order of operations and combining like terms
4.___-line test is a way to determine if a graph is a function
6.the answer to the equation
7.____ natural numbers plus 1
9.___ variable is the y's,because they depend on what x is
10.x=#, slope is undefined (2words) (2 words)
11.a symbol that representsa number
12.a relation in vhich each element of the domain is paired with exactly one element of the range
13.___ variable is the x's, x determines what y is
18.an operation that moves a graph vertically, horizontally, or diagonally but does not change it shape
21.flip the fraction
24.a pair of inequalities joined by "and" or "or" (2words) (2 words)
25.___ property is a+b=b+c or ab=bc
26.____ numbers are fractions that do not terminate or repeat, radicals that are not perfect, and pi
27.the distance from zero on the number line (2 words)
29.___ property is multiplying by the reciprocal or adding the opposite
30.lines with the slopes that are opposite reciprocals (2 words)
35.all the x's
38.___ property is a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c
39.___ property is adding zero or multiplying by one
40.plug and chug
1.___ property is when real numbers are multiplied or added, the answer is a real number
3.whole numbers and negative numbers
5.sits in front of the variable
8.rules used to simplify expressions (3words) (3 words)
14.___ property is multiplying through the parentheses
15.y=#, slope is zero (2words) (2 words)
16.the simplest functionwith common characteristics (2words) (2 words)
17.to get the variable by itself
19.____ numbers are all numbers that can be written as a fraction of integers
20.a number, variable, or the product of a number and one or more variables
22.a solution that is false (2 words)
23.lines with the same slope (2 words)
28.___ form of a line is Ax+By=C
31.a set of ordered pairs
32.___ inverse is a number that is the same but the sign is different, and their sum is 0
33.is the "change" or "rate of change" of a line
34.____ numbers are the counting numbers
36.___ equation is a equation of aline
37.the y's

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