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Algebra I Term 1 Vocabulary Review

Miss Arell

1 2 3   4          
5   6 7                    
      8     9           10          
              11 12
            15         16
      17                         18          
19         20     21             22  
25       26                
            29 30 31
        32               33      
      35         36               37    
39             40      
42                             43              
  44         45                

3.A value for the variable in an equation is called a ____________ (Ex. x=4 is the ____________ for 2x = 8)
7.Two ratios that are equal form a ____________ (Hint: An equation of the form a/b = c/d)
8.the plane containing the x- and y-axes
13.A set of ordered pairs
14.1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36,etc. are all _________________
15.The result of two numbers being added
17.The numerical factor of a term (Ex. 5 is the __________ of x in the equation 5x - 7y = 18)
18.An equation that can be written in the form Ax + By = C, whose graph is a straight line
19.A comparison of two numbers by division
21.The _________ of any relation is obtained by switching the coordinates in each ordered pair
23.The horizontal number line on a coordinate plane
24.The coordinate at which a graph intersects the y-axis
25.Two equations that are equal are called ____________ equations
28.1. Parenthesis, 2. Exponents, 3. Multiplication & Division, 4. Addition & Subtraction
32.____________ is the inverse operation of multiplication
33.The ratio of two measurements having different units of measure
35.The first number in an ordered pair
38.Symbols used to represent unspecified numbers or values
42.When an increase or decrease is expressed as a percent (Hint: the amount of change divided by the original number, multiplied by 100)
43.The result of two quantities being multiplied
44.In an expression in the form x^, x is the ___________
45.A relation in which each element of the domain is paired with exactly one element of the range
46.the two perpendicular number lines in a coordinate system
1.Ax + By = C is an equation written in ____________
2.The ____________ of 18 and 24 is 6
4.Terms that have the same variable, with corresponding variables having the same exponent (Ex. 5xy and -3xy)
5.5, 10, 15, 20, etc are all ______________ of 5
6.Whole numbers (Ex. -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc)
9.An expression that is in simplest form is one in which you can not simplify or ________ more
10.In the expression in the form x^, n is the ___________
11.1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12 are all _______________ of 12
12.the set of the first numbers of the ordered pairs in a relation (hint: x values)
16.the point where the two axes intersect at their zero points
20.The result of two numbers being divided
22.The vertical number line on a coordinate plane
24.The second number in an ordered pair
26.You can use a ____________ to determine if a graph is a function
27.The product of two negative numbers is _________
28.A set of numbers or coordinates used to locate any point on a coordinate plane, written in the form (x,y)
29.Addition is the _________ operation of subtraction
30.The set of second numbers of the ordered pairs in a relation (Hint: the y values)
31.A number, a variable, or a product or quotient of numbers and variables (Ex. 5x is one of the ________ in the equation 9y + 5x = 10)
34.When a positive number is divided by a negative number, the result is _________
35.The coordinate at which a graph intersects the x-axis
36.The result of two numbers being subtracted
37.A relation can be expressed as a set of ordered pairs, a table, a graph and a ____________
39.The multiplicative inverse of a number
40.The four regions into which the x- and y-axes separate the coordinate plane
41.A ratio or rate used when making a model of something that is too large or too small to be shown in actual size, like a map of the world

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