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Describing, Exploring,and Comparing Data

Jennifer Pacheco

1           2 3 4                   5
    6   7
9 10                            
12                 13   14  
      15                           16          
  18         19         20                  
22       23                                
24                     25                  
27                 28                      
30     31 32                                
36 37                
  38                           39   40                        
43                                       44  
  49                                   50                
53               54                                

1.denoted bt D1,D2,D3,.........,D9
4.denoted by P1,P2,.........,P9
8.is a mean computed with the different scores assigned different weights
10.distribution that is approximately bell-shaped
12.is a graph showed by slices of a pie
15.sample values lie within 2 standard deviation of the mean
18.are midpoints of the classes
23.sample variance s^2
24.are the numbers used to separate classes, but withou the gaps created by class limits
26.is a value that is located very far away from almost all of the other values
27.is a value at the center or middle of a data set
32.are the smallest numbers that can belong to the different classes
33.denoted by Q1,Q2, andQ3
34.= highest value + lowest value/ 2
35.is a variation of values about the mean
38.is a plot of the paired (x,y) data with a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis
40.is the difference between two consecutive lower class limits or two consecutive lower class boundaries
41.summarize or describe the important characteristics of a set of data
42.vertical scale is marked with relative frequencies
43.dividing each class frequency by total of all frequencies
46.no more than 1/k2 of the values are more than k standard deviations away from the mean.
47.is a bar graph for qualitative data, with the bars arranged in order according to frequencies
48.is the process of using statistical tools to investigate data set in order to understand their important charcteristics
49.separating each value into parts; the stem and the leaf
50.difference between the value and the mean
51.data values is plotted as a point along a scale of values
52.is a bar graph in which the horizontal scale represents classes and the vertical scale represents frequencies
53.measure of variation equal to the square of the standard deviation
54.uses line segments connected to points located directly above class midpoint values
2.if the left half of its histogram is roughly a mirror image of its right half
3.middle value
5.___ or z score
6.are the largest numbers that can belong to the different classes
7.consists of the minimum value; the 1s quartile,Q1; the median, or 2nd quartile;Q2,the 3rd quartile, Q3, maximum value
9.standard score
11.two values occur with the same greatest
13.is number obtained by adding the values and dividing the total by the number of values
14.or a box-and-whisker diagram
16.divide that sum by the number of sample values
17.the mean and median are to the left of the mode
19.an average
20.sample data to make inferences about a population
21.lists classes of values, along with counts
22.value that occurs most frequently
25.highest value - lowest value
28.cumulative frequencies used instead of the individual class frequencies
29.sum of the frequencies for that class and all previous classes
30.the number of original scores that fall into that class
31.same class limits as a frequency table,but relative frequencies are used
36.the mean and median are to the right of the mode
37.the number of values in the data set
39.is a line graph that depicts cumulative frequencies
44.if not symmetric and if it extends more to one side than the other
45.more than two values occur with the same greatest frequency

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