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Math Vocabulary 2

David Williams

1 2 3 4
5         6       7                  
8       9        
10                       11        
    13                             14
18             19          
20     21  
22       23                    

5.a - b = c _________ c + b = a OR a divided by b = c _____ c x b = a
7.add, subtract, multiply, divide
9.average (add numbers, divide sum by the number of numbers your added)
10.point on a coordinate plane where the line crosses the x axis
11.the Y value of an equation
13.quotients of integers (a number that can be written as a fraction)
16.a(b + c) = ab + ac
18.the numbers you multiply together to get a product
19.the X value of an equation
22.answer in addition
23.a statement that ratios are equal
25.a + 0 = a OR a x 1 = a
26.the number being subtracted from
27.the middle number (after placing from least to greatest) can be between two numbers
28.answer in multiplication
29.... -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ... all positive and negative numbers on a number line with 0
1.(a + b) + c = a + (b + c) OR (a x b) x c = a(b x c)
2.nonterminating, nonrepeating decimals (e.g. square root of 2 or pi)
3.a + b = b + a or a x b = b x a
4.same size, same shape
6.the number being subtracted
8.point on a coordiante plane where the line crosses the y axis
12.a number that is the product of two integers ( 4 8 12 16 are ___ of 4)
14.same shape but different size (sides are in proportion to each other)
15.the numbers you add to get a sum
16.answer in subtraction
17.difference between highest and lowest numbers after placing from least to greatest
20.answer in division
21.the number being divided (dividend divided by divisor = quotient)
24.the number you are dividing by (dividend divided by divisor = quotient)
27.the number that appears the most times (may be more than one)

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