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Math Vocab Search Chapter 1

Joe Thornburgh

1           2       3     4            
5               6                    
7 8               9
10             11                    
13       14 15               16
          18   19  
            22 23
24       25                            

1.Device for measuring angles
3.A proposition that is being investigated, it has yet to be proven
5.A point in the middle of two others
6.Angle that measures 90 degrees exactly
8.To divide a angle into three congruent parts
10.To divide a segment or an angle into two congruent parts
11.Angle with measure less than 90 degrees
15.Three sided polygon
17.A fundamental statement that is assumed to be true without proof
20.Not lying on the same line
21.A straight set of points that extends off into infinity in both directions
24.Two angles with the same measure
27.Line on which every point represents a real number
28.Two points on a line, and all the points between those two points
29.A mathmatical statement that has been proven
30.Point of an angle where two rays interset
2.Two segments with the same length
4.Angle that is longer than 90 degrees
7.If the statment is "P" then the negation is "not P"
9.A figure formed by two rays with a common endpoint
12.Angles that measures 180 degrees exactly
13.the part of an if - then statement that follows the word "then". Consequent
14.Useful tool for determining wethere or not a conditional statement is true
16.Unit of measure for angles
18.Place where to points meet or cross
19.Used to indicate congruent angles and segments
22.Lying on the same line
23.States the meaning of a term or idea
25.A Set of two points one end going off into infinety
26.1/60th of a degree

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