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Political Systems

Lisa Pierce

1 2
4         5  
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9 10      

3.rules and procedures for maintaining order within the society
4.various nations or territories join together and are ruled by a common government
7.this is the branch of US government that judges conduct and interprets laws
8.rules and procedures for conducting the business of government
12.governements provide citizens with a sense of national pride
13.a single city makes up the entire nation
1.many cities join together for the common good to form this
2.one person seizes power and controls all laws including enforcing them brutally
5.the method of _______ laws is to make sure citizens don't break laws
6.this is the branch of US government that creates laws
9.power is held by the people
10.all the power is held by one person
11.governments must protect their citizens from hostile enemy countries

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