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Doctor Who Monsters

John Smith

1   2       3 4
7           8              
11         12    

1.The monsters in Doctor Who that were in the church with Rose's dad.
5.The monsters in Doctor Who that used gas.
7.The monsters in Doctor Who that is said to be the scariest.
8.The monsters in Doctor Who in the episode called 'Tooth and Claw'.
9.The monster in Doctor Who that said 'delete'.
11.The monster in Doctor Who that was imprisoned on a planet near a black hole.
13.The monsters in Doctor Who that disguised themselves as Santas.
14.The monsters in Doctor Who that took over a school.
2.The monsters in Doctor Who that were mannequins.
3.The monsters in the old Doctor Who that when they took their helmet off the head was the same size as the helmet.
4.The monsters in Doctor Who that needed Madame De Pompadour.
6.The monsters in Doctor Who that were possesed by the Beast.
9.The monster in Doctor Who that was flat.
10.The monsters in Doctor Who that made a lot of gas.
12.The monsters in Doctor Who that controlled people with blood.

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