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Cassandra Daly

For all you TrueBlood lovers! This is a crossword that spans from season 1 to season 2 episode 10. Hope you enjoy!

2   3 4 5   6      
7                 8      
12             13              
14     15                 16      
20                     21   22
23           24          
    26 27
  28                 29    
    30     31  
32                       33                
35       36 37         38            
39                     40    
43           44      

5.When Sookie is attacked Eric summons a dwarf to heal her. What is the dwarf's last name?
7.What is the name of the bar Bill takes Sookie to?
8.What age does Eggs say he started smoking weed?
9.What did Miss Jeanette give Tara to make her hallucinate?
10.Who was found dead in Andy's car?
12.Who shows Jason a vampire sex tape? 2wrds
14.What is the name of the Vampire Queen?
16.What is the name for a group of vampires that live together?
18.Who does MaryAnn want for the God Who Comes? 2wrds
20.What is the name of the senator that visits Lafayette for V? 2wrds
21.What replaced part of the Redneck does Lafayette use to escape Eric's dungeon?
23.Who was Drew Marshall?
24.What is the name of the other Extra Sensory Human Sookie meets in Dallas?
28.What does Bill try to do before turning Jessica? 2wrds
32.What church does Jason join? 4wrds
34.What was the name of Drew Marshall's first victim that worked at Big Pattie's Pie House?
35.What is the dog's name Sam imprinted on?
37.What is the name of Isabel's Human that betrays the vampires?
38.Who is Terry's "special lady"?
39.What is the name of the Vampire that was stealing from Eric?
40.Who is the mural at Maryann's of?
41.Who is the spokeswoman for the American Vampire League?
42.What creature is MaryAnn?
43.Who is the Sherriff in Dallas and Eric's Maker?
44.Who is MaryAnn's right hand man?
1.What is the name of Gran's church group? 5wrds
2.Who kills Daphne?
3.What is it called when a vampire switches from human blood to TruBlood?
4.What is Eggs real name?
6.What god is MaryAnn trying to summon?
11.Who does Jane Bodehouse call instead of MaryAnn?
13.What is the name of the vampire Amy killed?
14.Who gives Tara the money for her exorcism?
15.What does Lettie Mae make Tara after her demons are gone? 2wrds
17.Who is Bills's Maker?
19.Who is the human that takes care of Eric's bar during the day?
21.Who does Jessica fall for?
22.What is Daphne's go to animal?
25.Who is in charge at the Fellowship of the Sun? 2wrds
26.What is the slang term for Vampire Blood?
27.What is Jessica's last name?
29.What is the name of the town TrueBlood is set in?
30.What colors does Sookie see in the murder's thought? 3wrds
31.What does Sam try to give back to MaryAnn when she comes to the bar?
33.What is Sookie's cats name?
36.What does Bill give Sookie to save her life? 2wrds

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