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Vocabulary 26-50

English III

1 2 3 4 5
6               7                
13   14   15                
16 17               18   19              
          21           22

6.made with earnest intent; sincere
7.appealing to self-indulgence
9.to refuse to acknowledge or agree with
10.to foretell the future; predict
12.not marked by careful distinction; random; haphazard
13.the power and authority to assert the law
16.expression of sympathy
19.capable of being done or carried out
21.subjected to verbal abuse
24.a sentimental yearning to return to something past
25.to present an obstacle; stand in the way of
1.widespread; uncontrolled; not contained
2.full of disorder or stress; intending to harass
3.to annoy persistently; keep bothering over a period of time
4.inclined to fight; hostile; combative
5.to bring to an end
8.change of physical form by supernatural force
11.to make up for the purpose of deception; create
14.elementary; basic; simplest form
15.hot with passion or anger
18.obtaining something by force or intimidation
20.of this world; ordinary; boring
22.reserved; modest; coy
23.a statement that seems wrong but turns out to be true

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