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pulse transforms chemical energy into electrical energy. tries to maintain constant voltage
superposition when objects with different charges touch, the charges are shared between the objects
phase a single wave bump caused by a disturbance
in phase the relative positions of the crests of two waves
out of phase the ratio between two sound intensities
node two equal charges of opposite sign
antinode current that moves steadily in one direction
intensity amount that cant be divided
sound level flow of current from negative to positive
sound level b study of charges at rest
ion atom that has gained or lost a proton
static electricity relative difference between the intensities of two sounds
conductors current that reverses direction many times per second
insulators the force of a charge that extends in all directions
semi-conductors points of constructive interference in a standing wave
charging by conduction a force acting at a distance
charging by induction points of destructive interference in a standing wave
electrostatics when the crests and troughs of two waves line up, causing constructive interference
field long coil of wire consisting of many loops
electric field potential energy of a test charge at a particular point in an electric field
electric field lines conduct under some circumstances, insulate under other circumstances
electric diopole the resulting amplitude when two waves meet is the sum of their individual amplitudes
elementary charge indicate the direction and relative strength of electric fields
quantized objects with different charges can affect each other when they are close but not touching
electric potential force of a magnet that extends in all directions
battery flow of current from positive to negative
conventional current energy transported by a wave
electron flow when the crests of one wave meet the troughs of the other causing destructive interference
DC current ends of the magnets
AC current allow electrons to move freely, loosely bounded to the atom
poles the amount of charge for 1 electron
solenoid build up of electric charge on the surface of an object
magnetic field don't allow electrons to move freely, tightly bounded to the atom

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