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Chapter 13 Psychological Disorders

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Psychopathology -Dimensional “checklist” for diagnosis of disorders taking into account the severity and frequency of symptoms
Disorders -Clinically significant disturbance in cognition, emotion, or behavior
Maladaptive/Dysfunctional -Anything outside of the range of “normal” or “average”
Inhibiting Daily Functioning/ Disruptive -Unwanted repetitive thoughts (obsessions) or actions (compulsions)
Statistically Irregular -Further held beliefs about reality based on false perceptions (paranoia and distrust)
Epigenetics -Temporary = seen as affecting in just the current instance or momentarily; Specific = seen as affecting just the current context or situation;External = seen as possibly due (at least in part) to the situation rather than yourself; RESULT = SUCCESSFUL COPING
Genetic Predisposition -Intrusive and/or uncontrolled thoughts of experienced trauma that bring about anxiety attacks or more generalized anxiety
Diathesis-Stress Model -Sustained heightened awareness
Diathesis -Phase in bipolar disorder of heightened positive mood often associated with a disconnect from reality and poor decision-making
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) -Disorder of the mind (not brain)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder -Drugs that reduce neural activity and slow body functions
Panic Disorder -Vulnerability to a disorder
Phobias -Drugs that distort perceptions; Cause a mis-regulation of thalamic activity
[role of Classical Conditioning in Phobias] -Explains the probability of development of symptoms as a result of the gene-environment interaction
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) -Getting in the way of survival
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) -Continued sadness with or without known cause; Usually diagnosed as 2 or more weeks straight with 5 or more symptoms from the DSM-V
[role of Classical Conditioning In PTSD] -Traits coding for tendencies toward behavioral/mental characteristics
Tolerance -Study of the gene-environment interaction
Withdrawal -Fear of (heightened alarm reaction toward) specific stimuli
Depressants -Uncontrollable fluctuations in mood
Stimulants -Momentary, severe, uncontrolled stress response
Hallucinogens -Thoughts/anxiety caused by CS that was paired with US trauma
Major Depressive Disorder -Disorder of false and/or distorted perceptions
Bipolar Disorder -Outlook on situations or consequences of your depressed mood
[Mania] -Mis-regulation of personality characteristics; Person exhibits two or more distinct personalities
Appraisal in Depression -Drugs that increase neural activity and speed up body functions
[Stable-Global-Internal Appraisal] -Discomfort or distress that occurs when ending drug use (after addiction) while your body is readjusting to the lack of drug
[Temporary-Specific-External Appraisal] -Interfering with what you want or need to do
Schizophrenia -CS-US pairing occurs based on personal experience or information
[Hallucinations] -False sensory perceptions
[Delusions] -Lack of empathy and conscience for wrongdoing toward others
Antisocial Personality Disorder (Sociopathic/Psychopathic) -Chemical and/or behavioral dependency
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) -Stable = seen as affecting for a long time or permanently; Global = seen as affecting in many different context or situations; Internal = seen as entirely due to you and who you are – your fault (internal locus of control); RESULT = DEPRESSION

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