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Chapter 8 Thinking & Intelligence

Cognition  Sudden realization; Aha! moment
Concepts  Abstract ideas; collective knowledge of a topic
Prototypes  Ability to learn from experience and use knowledge (not just how much you know)
Problem-Solving  Seeking a single correct answer
Insight  Standardized IQ test assessing vocabulary, spatial reasoning, relationships and similarities between concepts, pattern recognition and abstract reasoning
Algorithms  Perceiving, understanding, managing and using emption appropriately in problem-solving
Analogical Problem-Solving  What one has already learned
Heuristics  How information is presented that can influence how it is perceived
Confirmation Bias   Unconscious mental short-cuts Predisposed built-in cognitive rules that guide our thinking to be more efficient (faster)
Belief Perseverance   Area of the brain specialized for understanding language signals
Availability Heuristic  Placing something/someone into a category based on how much it sounds like it should fit into that group on the surface (stereotyping)
Representativeness Heuristic   Transformation of information or knowledge to arrive at a correct solution
Overconfidence  Approaching problems from conventional, well-practiced, ways (but not always beneficial or correct)
Framing   Making assumptions/conclusions about sets of data or information; not 100% correct solutions every time
Fixation  Allowing an inaccurate sense of confidence in our own knowledge bias our decisions; often causes us NOT to study enough
Mental Set  Averaged (most typical) representations of a category or concept
Functional Fixedness  Systematic set of rules followed to solve a problem
Reasoning  Seeking out, remembering and believing what we already think is true
Deductive Reasoning  Self-confirming concern that you will be judged based on a negative stereotype; creates anxiety in test-taking
Inductive Reasoning  The degree to which genes account for variability in traits For IQ, heritability = 55-75%
Convergent Thinking  Thinking only about specific functions of objects
Divergent Thinking  Rapid pattern/sequence recognition and production; specialized processing of grammatical patterns different from similar problem-solving processes
Language  Allowing for a number of possible solutions; creativity
Babbling  Ability to reason and apply knowledge; efficiency in cognitive processing
Receptive Language  Thinking; Mental processes associated with knowledge, communication, problem-solving and decision-making
Wernicke’s Area   Using the solution of one problem (underlying rules) and applying to a new problem
Productive Language   Cognitive processes of understanding and producing meaningful messages
Broca’s Area  Taking several observations together in order to make generalizations and principles; Moving from specific to general knowledge
Intrinsic Syntax / Universal Grammar  Understanding
Intelligence Area of the brain specialized for speaking and making language signals
Crystallized Intelligence   Factual accumulation
Fluid Intelligence  Rumination; thinking only in a traditional or habitual way
General Intelligence (g)  Being influenced by whatever information most easily comes to mind; most common or most recent knowledge is most easily activated
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences   Making specific conclusions from a generalization; Moving from general to specific knowledge
Sternberg’s Triarchic (Theory of Intelligence)   Reliability = consistency; IQ scores show good reliability over time
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)  Several completely independent (uncorrelated) types of cognitive processes and abilities that do not need to correlate; one can excel in some types of intelligence and not in others 8 types: linguistic, logical, musical, spatial, bodily, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic
Achievement  Ignoring contradictory evidence
Aptitude   Averaging all cognitive processes/abilities and achievements together into ONE factor – all skills would be correlated such that strengths in one area are predictive of strengths in others and across all abilities
Intelligence Quotient (IQ)  Producing
Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)  What one is capable of learning
Stereotype Threat  Early language process of replicating individual sounds
Heritability  Variation within a group = genetic difference; these differences are much greater than any between-group differences in intelligence;Variation between groups = environmental differences
Group Differences in Intelligence  Defines intelligence by 3 areas of application: creative, analytical and practical intelligence

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