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HR - Organization Terms - Word Match #2 of 3 (2019)

Karen Burton

For practice of HR Terms dealing with the Organization

Information system (IS) Use of information from past and present to predict future conditions.
Intellectual property (IP) Work groups that conduct the major business of an organization.
Joint employment Organizational structure in which functional departments are grouped under major product divisions.
Judgmental forecasts Refusal by workers to work; also refusal by workers to leave their workstations, making it impossible for the employer to use replacement workers.
Knowledge management (KM) Organizational structure that combines departmentalization by division and function to gain the benefits of both; results in some employees reporting to two managers rather than one, with neither manager assuming a superior role.
Labor union Ownership of innovation by an individual or business enterprise; includes patented, trademarked, or copyrighted property.
Line units Way to collect, organize, store, analyze, and share data.
Matrix structure Common form of post-employment agreement that prevents employee from leaving to work for one of employer's competitors.
Non-compete agreement (NCA) Situation in which an organization shares responsibility and liability for their alternative workers with an alternative staffing supplier; also known as co-employment.
Non-disclosure agreement (NDA) Part of a service contract where the service expectations are formally defined.
Organizational development (OD) Common form of post-employment agreement, especially in knowledge industries, in which employee agrees not to discuss knowledge gained during employment.
Product structure “Snapshot” assessment of the availability of qualified backup for key positions.
Reduction in force (RIF) Attempt by a union to influence an employer by putting pressure on another employer, for example, a supplier.
Replacement planning Group of workers who coordinate their activities to achieve common goals in their relationship with an employer or group of employers; also called trade union.
Secondary action HR structural alternative in which centers with specific areas of expertise develop HR policies in those areas; each unit can then select what it needs from a menu of these services.
Service-level agreement (SLA) Process of creating, acquiring, sharing, and managing knowledge to augment individual and organizational performance.
Shared services HR model Process of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization and the well-being of its members through planned interventions.
Sit-down strike Termination of employment of individual employees or groups of employees for reasons other than performance, for example, economic necessity or restructuring; also known as downsizing.

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