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People 2020 (2 of 6)

Karen Burton

People Module - SHRM 2020 Learning System

1Developmental Activities _____Situation in which an organization’s compensation levels and benefits are similar to those of other organizations that are in the same labor market and compete for the same employees.
2Distance Learning _____Provides each incumbent of a job with the same rate of pay, regardless of performance or seniority; also known as single-rate pay.
3Domestic Partners _____Form of direct compensation where employers pay for performance beyond normal expectations to motivate higher performance.
4Dual Career Ladders _____Career development programs that identify meaningful career paths for professional and technical people outside traditional management roles.
5E-Learning _____Instruments that collect and assess information on employees’ attitudes and perceptions (such as engagement, job satisfaction, etc.) of the work environment or employment conditions.
6Employee Engagement _____Employees’ emotional commitment to an organization, demonstrated by their willingness to put in discretionary effort to promote the organization's effective functioning.
7Employee Life Cycle (ELC) _____Primary job duties that a qualified individual must be able to perform, either with or without reasonable accommodation.
8Employee Surveys _____Pay increase given to employees based on local competitive market requirements; awarded regardless of employee performance.
9Employee Value Proposition (EVP) _____Factor that motivates performance of a desired behavior or discourages performance of an undesired behavior.
10Employment Branding _____Document that guides employees toward their goals for professional development and growth.
11Environmental Scanning _____Employees’ perceived value of the total rewards and tangible and intangible benefits they receive from the organization as part of employment, which drives unique and compelling organizational strategies for talent acquisition, retention and engagement.
12Essential Functions _____Electronic media delivery of educational and training materials, processes and programs.
13External Equity _____Activities associated with an employee’s tenure in an organization.
14Flat-Rate Pay _____Situations in which an employee’s pay is below the minimum of the range.
15General Pay Increase _____Activities that focus on preparing employees for future responsibilities while increasing their capacity to perform their current jobs.
16Green-Circle Rates _____Unmarried couples, of the same or opposite sex, who live together and seek economic and noneconomic benefits comparable to those granted to their married counterparts.
17Head Count _____Process of delivering educational or instructional programs to locations away from a classroom or site.
18Incentive _____Process of positioning an organization as an “employer of choice” in the labor market.
19Incentive Pay _____Process that involves a systematic survey and interpretation of relevant data to identify external opportunities and threats and to assess how these factors affect the organization currently and how they are likely to affect the organization in the future.
20Individual Development Plan (IDP) _____Number of people on an organization’s payroll at a particular moment in time.

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