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Phrases and sayings from Shakespeare's works


Match the phrases with their explanation.

a fool's paradise Now repeated ironically when someone is in need of some unimportant item (Richard III)
A horse, a horse, a kingdom for a horse something frightening (Hamlet)
all corners of the world a deceit (a dishonesty) has been discovered (Cymbeline)
all that glitters is not gold a showy article may not necessarily be valuable (The Merchant of Venice)
all's well that ends well Something seems to be more different than it ought to be (Hamlet)
as cold as stone a state of happiness based on false hope (Romeo & Juliet)
good riddance All parts of the world (Cymbeline)
Love is blind an expression of pleasure on being rid of some annoyance - usually an individual (Troilus and Cressida)
Makes your hair stand to an end Strong feelings for a person make one overlook the person's faults (The Merchant of Venice)
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark We have few concers if things turn out well in the end (All's well that ends well)
We have seen better days learned and literate (Henry IV)
the game is up Something is old and battered (As You Like It)
brevity is the soul of wit very cold (Henry V)
exceedingly well read You can't say anything shorter (Hamlet)

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