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Nosocomial Infections pathogenic microorganism can live and grow.
Infectious agent: transmitted by health care workers and patients as a result of direct contact in a healthcare setting, patients are at increased risk “Hospital acquired infection”.
Infection control practices  Clean technique; procedures used to reduce and prevent spread of microorganisms
Reservoir Enter the same way they exit: Open lesions / wound. Coughing and sneezing. In the urine / feces. Blood. Insect bite.
Portal of exit Site where microorganism leaves the reservoir.
Mode of transmission Sterile technique; procedures used to eliminate microorganisms “Sterilization”.
Droplet person who lacks resistance to an agent and is thus vulnerable to disease.
Portal of Entry bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa
susceptible host  Direct (touching, kissing, sexual intercourse). Indirect transmission may occur via: Airborne. Vector-borne. Vehicle borne transmission.
Medical Asepsis  Occurs during coughing, sneezing, talking, performing suctioning or bronchoscopy.
Surgical Asepsis directed at controlling or eliminating sources of infection in the health care agency or home.

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