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Chapter 10 Local Anesthetics

Abby Bishop

benocaine, cocaine, cyclomethycaine, procaine, and tetracaine injection of local anesthesia under the skn
cocaine  application of anesthetic onto the skin
lidocaine, bupivicaine and mepivicaine  injection of anesthesia into caudal/subcaudal space
Topical  injection of local anesthesia directly into tissue
intradermal anesthesia  caused by local anesthetic, cocaine, blood vessels are constricted
spinal anesthesia  injection of local anesthesia around nerve root
epidural anesthesia  caused by all other local anesthetics except cocaine , blood vessels are dilated
caudal anesthesia  injection of local anesthesia into subarachnoid space
infiltration anesthesia  types of amide local anesthetics
regional nerve block types of ester local anesthetics
cryoanesthesia  application of cold on the skin area to produce a numb feeling
vasoconstriction only naturally occurring drug in local anesthetics
vasodilation  injection of local anesthesia into extradural space

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