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Nouns of occupation


Match the nouns with the correct descriptions.

A person cuts the hair and shaves or trims the beard of customers. Acrobat
The commander of a fleet in the navy. Carpenter
A person who studies historical remains. Cashier
A person who learn a trade while working. Butcher
A person who does daring gymnastic stunts Blacksmith
A person who receives and pays out money in a bank, shop or restaurant. Apprentice
A person who slaughters animals, cuts them up and sells meat. Author
A person who draws and paints. Archaeologists
A person who designs and draws plans for buildings. Barber
A person who writes books. Artist
A person who makes things out of iron. Baker
A person who carries golf clubs, etc, for a golfer. Architect
A person who makes and sells bread. Admiral
A person who does a good woodwork. Caddie

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