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Araby Word Match - Devin and Jack

Devin and Jack

Word Match for Araby by James Joyce

Blind Talkative
The Abbot...Vidocq Made fun of; ridiculed
Imperturbable (Vocabulary Builder) School run by an order of nuns
Litanies Popular nineteenth century poem
Come-all-you...Rossa Opening of a ballad about an Irish hero
Retreat Cafe with musical entertainment
Covenant Tray usually used for the presentation of letters or visiting cards
Garrulous A period of retirement or seclusion for prayer, religious study, and meditation.
Freemason A dead end
The Arab's...His Steed Free and Accepted Masons, an international secret society
Florin A historical tale, a religious manual, and the remembrance of the french adventurer, respectively
Cafe Chantant Two shilling coin of the time
Salver Prayers in which a congregation repeats a fixed response; repetitive recitations
Derided Calm, not easily ruffled

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