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Digestive System

Mrs. Montgomery

No description

gall bladder the "throat"; muscular contractions help move food into the esophagus
sphincter secretes pepsin, gastric lipase and HCl
lactase portion of the colon that returns to the medial position
esophagus "food" when it is in the stomach; soupy liquid of food mixed with gastric secretions
rectum smooth and skeletal muscle tube that passes bolus to the stomach
cephalic large mucosa folds of the stomach
mechanical type of digestion facilitated primarily by the accessory organs
deglutition roof of the mouth formed by maxillae and palatine bones
uvula attaches the liver to the abdominal wall and diaphragm
peptic ulcer colon pouches
mucosa various structures secrete ~7 liters of it per day
parotid hidden blood, as might occur in the feces of colorectal cancer patients
greater omentum produces bile (emulsification of fats)
cholecystectomy enzyme that breaks down lactose; if you don't make it, don't eat cheese!
peritonitis a disease most often caused by Heliobacter pylori
rugae surgical removal of the gall bladder
pancreas an enzyme that breaks down starch
jejunum location of structures like the kidneys, pancreas and asc.
vomiting major site of digestion and absorption
chemical accessory structure: secretes digestive enzymes in a "juice"
chyme first section of the small intestine; receives secretions from gall bladder and pancreas
hard palate fold of mucous membrane; attaches tongue to floor of mouth
falciform ligament adaptations of small intestine that dramatically increase absorption surface area
amylase condition in which the large intestine does not absorb enough water
GERD 8-inch terminal portion of the large intestine; final feces production
liver largest salivary gland; anterior and inferior to ears
occult the process of taking in food
duodenum elimination of feces; a.k.a. egestion
appendix condition in which reflux occurs from the stomach into the esophagus
retroperitoneal important in moving food during mastication
microvilli a.k.a. emesis: forcible expulsion of upper GI tract contents
water inflammation of saclike outpouchings of the large intestine; inadequate fiber intake is a contributing factor
defecation rythmic-like contraction of smooth muscle that moves "food" through the GI tract
frenulum middle portion of the small intestine
sigmoid stores bile
haustra muscular structure that regulates the passage of substances throughout the digestive tract
small intestine the act of swallowing
pharynx 1 of Mrs. Montgomery's favorite anatomy terms; a bile pigment
parietal phase of digestion in which the mere sensing of food stimulates salivation
diverticulitis liver cells
peristalsis cells that secrete HCl
ingestion type of digestion accomplished by the mouth and stomach
hepatocytes peritoneal fold (4 layers) ; contains a great deal of adipose tissue
diarrhea 3-inch long, twisted, coiled tube; a pain when infected
stomach microbial infection that causes accute inflammation of the peritoneum
bilirubin deepest layer of the large intestine; contains simple columnar epithelium
tongue that little "dangly" thing; helps prevent food from going up into your nasal cavity

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